Thursday, 23 September 2010

Installing a System Centre Essentials 2010 agent manually

You may come into a situation where you need to manually install the SCE agent, here is how.

Run setupsce.exe and click on install essentials agent

Specify the FQDN of your SCE server, and the management group name (by default this is SCEServername_mg)

You will also need the update services SSL certificate and the code signing certificate, you can find these on the SCE server in:

C:\program files\system center essentials\certificates

Copy these to the PC you are installing the agent on, and then browse to them in the installer setup window.

Once the agent is successfully installed, it will need to be manually approved in the SCE management console

Launch the SCE management console and select the administration section, then expand device management | pending management

Under pending management, you should see a section called “Manual Agent Install”, simply right click on the computer listed and click approve

Your agent should now check in.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for your good explanation of this info. It have been very useful for me.
    Thank you time.

    W. Ortega
